I thought I’d make an ongoing series of posts concerning my ridiculous theories that consume my brain when I lay in bed trying to sleep at night. Without further ado…
Why Do Mechanics Have Problems With Their Own Cars?
While not an auto mechanic myself I have no idea. And I know this generalization is completely off based and has no merit whatsoever. But, if you have a circle of mechanic friends and always wondered why, when they pick you up, they apologize for the window not rolling down, or the a/c not working, or the ordinance violating exhaust, then read on.
I think it’s pretty simple. They’re fed up with fixing the crappy car that you bring to them day-in/day-out, that they’re too tired to even bother with their own. It’s sad really. We’ve taken their love for cars and the reality of working on them for a living, and turned it into an obscure novelty all because we decided to skip an oil change or two.
When I lived in Buffalo, NY, I worked at a small IT company maintaining systems and fixing computers. I just remembered at the end of the day, I wanted nothing to do with computers. My own PC was compiled from donated or accumulated bin parts with wires hanging every which way. So that’s basically how I came to a conclusion for theory number 1.